Astro Psychologist

Mind power

The Power of the Mind: Nurturing Mental Well-being

It’s All in the Mind

Have you ever heard a gynecologist or pediatrician declare that a newborn has depression or anxiety? Unless there is a major physical or cognitive complication at birth, mental health issues are not inherent—they develop over time.

Mystics and philosophers have long emphasized one truth: what sets humans apart from other species is our intelligence—the fifth element, our ability to think, reason, and discriminate. This mental faculty is our greatest gift.

The Role of Genetics and Personal Effort

Our physical health is largely influenced by genetics, but even our genes can only take us so far. Maintaining physical fitness requires conscious effort. While some people may seem naturally fit, their lifestyle choices often support their health, even without a strict exercise regimen.

Similarly, mental well-being demands intentional care and effort—an aspect many neglect. Our minds, like our bodies, need regular nourishment and maintenance to function optimally.

The Neglect of Mental Health

Only recently has society begun to recognize the critical importance of mental health. For too long, we have overlooked it amidst hectic work schedules, strained relationships, the pursuit of wealth, and societal pressures. This neglect has led to widespread mental exhaustion and emotional imbalance.

The growing commercialization of meditation, spirituality, and self-help practices reflects a collective yearning to fill this void. While these tools offer relief, they have also evolved into profit-driven industries.

Harnessing the Mind’s Power

Concepts like the law of attraction, manifestation, and positive thinking highlight the mind’s immense power. Our brain, which consumes about 20% of the body’s oxygen, functions like software, requiring regular updates and care to effectively support our physical “hardware.”

In my astro-psychological and parapsychological evaluations, I always explore an individual’s belief systems, childhood influences, and current environment—all crucial factors shaping their mindset.

Prioritise Your Mental Wellness

Every person is unique, and so are their mental health needs. Finding healthy outlets for emotional release is essential. Whether it’s sports, meditation, yoga, or any recreational activity you love, PRIORITISE IT!  Empower your mind and protect it from stress. While we can’t control how the world operates, we can choose how we perceive and respond to it.

Invest in your mind. Strengthen it. Nurture it. Because a balanced mind leads to a balanced life.

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